Cyber Apps and Things

Cyber Apps & Things weBook - Coming Soon!

Humans have been enslaved by others for millennia. Now we are willfully enslaving ourselves.

We've become cyber-slaves to the tech we use and the companies that make it. They take our money, steal our time & attention, and enable the crooks of the word to attack us, steal our money, and even steal our very identities.

Every year we spend more and more money and time looking after our cyber things, apps, and services.  And if we want to participate in modern life we're forced to blindly agree to contracts that indenture us forever.   

Take Control of your in-home cyber costs, risks, and time!   

Use the Apps & Things “wBook” to capture the cost, security risk, and time associated with all this cyber stuff . Skim the companion “eBook” PDF for the details. Analyze the lists for value and get rid of stuff that doesn't provide enough. So you can reduce costs, your cyber "Attack Surface" risk, and time wasted.

Buy the "weBook" package here and download the ZIP file which contains Excel workbooks & PDF documentation. Use as little or as much as you want, depending on your appetite and situation. 

Scroll below the Buy Now button (coming soon) for more details ...

Click for more Apps & Things details  ....

Track your Things:

Track your Apps:

Track your Installations

Analyze everything using the classifications you assign and the built-in sort, filter, and pivot table functionality of the Microsoft Excel that you love (or love to hate :) 

Like all ITE “wBooks”, it’s a Microsoft Excel workbook which you can modify and extend any way you wish to support your needs. It’s a pure Excel .xlsx file (no macros or other internal coding) so it can’t harbor “macro-malware” and it doesn’t need programming skills to modify. 

You save it on your own systems but there's no new software from us to install. And you don’t need to register an account with us, worry about the security of our online systems, or pay subscription or maintenance fees. 

You'll need a Mac or a PC and a copy of Microsoft Excel that's less than 10 years old. Click here for even more about weBooks. 

Click for Buy Now details ....

Clicking the Buy Now button will open a payment request window.  You can pay using credit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Shop Pay, PayPal (soon), or Interac.

When payment is accepted, a "Download Now" link for the ZIP file will be included in the Thankyou window, and will also be emailed to your eMail address. 

You can download the ZIP up to 5 times using the link provided, and may automatically receive additional download links by eMail if we update the weBook.

The entire process is securely handled by Shopify, a world-class eCommerce company. This includes the "Buy Now" button that appears below, the payment process, and  downloads. IT Essence has no access to your financial details.

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Questions or comments about our weBooks? Suggestions for new or existing weBooks? We'd love to hear from you! Connect with us via our Contact form.